Saturday 15 November 2014

It's been a while.

Today's quote....Love is the ability and willingness to allow those that you care for to be what they choose for themselves, without any insistence that they satisfy you.
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It's been awhile. Hope everyone is doing well. I am a great Aunt again. I love it. Only draw back is none of these little ones live close enough to pop in and visit or look after them to give mom and dad a break. They are all in Toronto, Hamilton, Victoria. Looking forward to seeing the newest little arrival Carter who was born into my Nephew Nathan and his wife Sherri's family. He was born on the same day as his cousin who turned 4. Brings back memories of when my guys were born. Seems like not that long ago except they are 30 and 28 so was awhile ago!!! Hope you all have a great week end. We're doing some catching up with my step daughter who we don't see very often since she moved to Hamilton and Bruce's sister and husband who live in Ottawa but busy lives keep us apart. 

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Where does your mind go when it wanders

Today's Quote.....If you want to know where your heart is, look where your mind goes when it wanders. 
My mind usually wanders to Bruce, our kids or my business. 

So we're nearing the end of October. The days will be shorter soon. According to my Oriental doctor Dr. Wen Shu Tang, we need to follow nature and as the days get shorter we should be resting more and doing less work. She never teaches any classes in the winter months and then she begins in the Spring and is busy until October. She feels this is a time to rest up and rejuvenate, to prepare for the spring and summer months. Some animals hibernate in the winter. Flowers stop growing and rest, trees loose their leaves and rest. We should try to follow this whenever possible. I plan to spend the winter preparing my business, making and testing out products and then start it up in the Spring. 
Happy Fall and Winter!!!!!

Wednesday 22 October 2014

One of the keys to happiness

Today's Quote.......The key to happiness is letting each situation be what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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Well we're home from our vacation. It's nice to go away but it's always nice to come home again. We had a nice time and enjoyed a good visit with Bruce's sister and brother that were there with us. The weather was rainy and cloudy all week except for one day but we managed to golf 3 times and enjoyed the hot tub, pool, water park and one day had a rousing game of ping pong......unit Greg cut his head going for the ball.....don't ask!!!!! 
Now my focus is continuing to work on my business and decide exactly what I am going to do and slowly start to develop it. I am learning lots about the healing properties of herbs. While we were driving through Toronto we took a bit of a detour......for a I saw a school that was called Institute of Holistic Nutrition and when I went on their website I saw that they are opening a school in Ottawa in January 2015. Coincidence that we took that street that we have never taken before. I think not!!!!!! I will be contacting them ASAP. 
Hope you all have a great day. 

Thursday 9 October 2014

Getting ready to roll

Today's Quote....One thing they never tell you about child raising is that for the rest of your life at the drop of a hat, you are expected to know your child's name and how old he or she is!!!!
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Easier said than done some days!!!!! I don't know how many times I have called my dogs by my boys names and vice versa. Calling out Nick, Ryan it's time to go out to go pee, usually got the response that they were o.k. thanks!!!! Now there ages can be an issue as well sometimes bad enough having to keep track of our own ages!!!!

Well this is the last day of communication for a bit. Bruce and I leave to drive to Guelph tomorrow morning where we will stay at his sister's place then Saturday morning all three of us head to Massanutten Virginia for a week. We will be meeting his brother there as well. It is our golf time share resort. There are 2 nice golf courses on the resort as well as lots of other activities. Unfortunately when I went back to the Dr. to have my broken foot evaluated when I asked about golf he told me that I was to take it easy!!!!! Every second hole I figure, 
Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving Weekend with friends and family.

Wednesday 8 October 2014

A story about my great-nephew Ollie

Today's Quote....Laughter is timeless, imagination has no age, and dreams are forever.
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Sometimes we need a reminder of this. I love to laugh and make others laugh. I think we use our imagination more than we realize. Often it is tied up with our dreams. We imagine what life could be like and then that turns into a dream. I love being with kids and spurring on their imaginations. 
A cute story from this summer about my great-nephew Ollie.
We were at my brother's and Ollie asked me to push him on the swing. Of course I did and we decided that it wasn't really a swing but a rocket ship that could take us anywhere. It took us to different planets. Some had zoos, some jungles and some farms, and we would look at all the different animals. At one point we decided we would go to Mars. Ollie said Mars then looked at me with big eyes. (Everyone calls me Mar and when you're coming to see me 'We're going to Mar's, it is Mar's dog, car, etc. You get the picture!!!) I asked Ollie if we there was a jungle, zoo or farm on Mars. He looked at me and said "What is on the real Mars? I smiled to myself and said a farm, so we explored the farm. 
Later I was telling his mom, dad and grandparents about the conversation. I was thinking that with Ollie starting school I could just imagine him telling his teacher some day that his Aunt lives on Mars!!!!!!!
I love imagining with kids!!!!
Make sure you spend part of your day, a big part, laughing imagining or dreaming!!!!

Saturday 4 October 2014

The benefits of Chia

Today's Quote.....If you're alone, I'll be your shadow. If you want to cry, I'll be your shoulder. if you want a hug, I'll be your pillow. If you need to be happy, I'll be your smile. But anytime you need a friend, I'll just be me.


3 1/2  oz of Chia has

  • Highest know whole food source of omega-3s found in nature
  • More calcium than 3 cups of milk
  • Higher and more bioavailable protein content that soy and more vegetable protein content than 1 1/2 cups of kidney beans

  • highest natural fibre content of any food- ore fibre that 1 1/4 of all-bran cereal
  • The iron equivalent of 3 cups of raw spinach
  • the potassium of 1 1/2 banana
  • as much vitamin C as 7 oranges
  • an antioxidant capacity 3 times the strength of blueberries with Myrecetin counts 270 times the strength of red wine.
Chia is safe for diabetics and those suffering from Celiac disease or gluten allergy
There is evidence that Chia was first used by the Aztecs as early as 3500 B.C. and served as a cash crop in central Mexico between 1500 and 900 B.C. The Aztecs ate the seeds of this semitropical plant to improve their endurance. They called it their 'running food'.
Chia can be added to cereal, salads, beverages and used in baking. Refrigerate Chia after grinding. 
(Excerpt from Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation by Andrea Moritz)

Thursday 2 October 2014

A word for parents

Today's Quote....It is not what you do for your children, but what you have taught them to do for themselves, that will make them successful human beings.
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Always remember this. Sometimes in a young parents busy schedule it is quicker and easier to just do it yourself instead of teaching and allowing you child to do it themselves. Time goes by very quickly so use the time to teach them how to do things. If they make a mistake be there to work through it with them and problem solve it. Doing something yourself that you thought you may not be able to do always makes us feel good. Boosts our self esteem. Even as big folks!!!!